Build Your Immune System

build your immune system
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the back-to-school season has arrived, the stress of a shift in routine, coupled with increased exposure to germs, can challenge even the healthiest immune systems. For families looking to support their immunity naturally, certain supplements can play a crucial role. Among these, Vitamin C stands out as a cornerstone for immune health, backed by extensive scientific research. Here, we explore the benefits of Vitamin C and other key supplements that can help build your immune system and fortify the entire family’s defenses against the seasonal surge of pathogens.

The Immune-Boosting Power of Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a well-known antioxidant that plays multiple roles in supporting the immune system [1]. It enhances the production and function of white blood cells, which are vital for fighting off bugs [1]. Moreover, Vitamin C protects these cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals [1].

When the body is under acute attack, vitamin C can be quickly depleted. A fact that makes supplementing especially useful for optimal defense and recovery.

Key Benefits of Vitamin C

Enhances Immune Cell Function 

Research shows that Vitamin C is essential for the growth and function of immune cells like phagocytes and lymphocytes [1]. Phagocytes are the white blood cells that engulf and break down pathogens and debris. Lymphocytes (B cells and T cells) are primarily involved in the adaptive immune response. They help prevent the spread of pathogens the body has previously fought off.

A Quick Return to Good Health

A meta-analysis of studies found that regular Vitamin C supplementation can help reduce the duration of a cold in both children and adults [1].

Supports Skin Barrier 

As the body’s first line of defense, healthy skin is crucial. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen, ensuring the integrity of the skin barrier against pathogens [2].

Other Immune Supportive Supplements

While Vitamin C is fundamental, combining it with other nutrients can provide a comprehensive immune boost. Here are additional supplements that can benefit the whole family:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another essential nutrient for immune health. It modulates the innate and adaptive immune responses. When intake and production is insufficient, we have an increased susceptibility to pathogenic invasion. This is because vitamin D receptors are present on immune cells, and its active form enhances the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages [3].

While the recommended supplemental intake for children and adults is typically 600 to 800 IU, higher doses might be necessary for those spending less time in the sun, or using sunscreen regularly. Unfortunately, the same UV rays that cause harm to the skin are necessary for internal vitamin D production.


Zinc insufficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to pathogenic invasion. It is critical for the normal development and function of immune cells [4]. Zinc also plays a role in maintaining the integrity of skin and mucous membranes.

Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra)

Elderberry is rich in antioxidants and has been traditionally used to boost immune health and promote a quicker bounce-back when one is feeling under the weather. In addition, elderberry extracts exhibit activities that modulate inflammation, support healthy blood sugar metabolism, and protect the cardiovascular and nervous systems [5]. 


A healthy gut microbiome is fundamental to overall immunity. Probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria, help maintain a healthy balance of gut microbiota, which is crucial as the gut is a primary site of immune activity [6]. 

Probiotics stimulate the production of natural antibodies and increase the activity of immune cells like macrophages, T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells [6]. Studies also show that probiotics can enhance the gut barrier function, preventing harmful pathogens from entering the bloodstream [6]. Moreover, specific strains of probiotics have been found to reduce the incidence and promote bounce-back from respiratory and gastrointestinal issues [7]. 

Final Thoughts

As families prepare for the back-to-school season, supporting the immune system with scientifically-backed supplements can make a significant difference. Vitamin C, with its robust evidence for enhancing immune function, should be a staple in your family’s health regimen. Complementing it with vitamin D, zinc, elderberry, and probiotics can provide a well-rounded approach to immunity, helping to safeguard against the seasonal influx of germs.

We’d like to recommend having Acute Immune Boost on hand for this particular season. This potent formula includes a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts known for their immediate immune-enhancing properties. Key ingredients such as vitamin C, zinc, and elderberry are combined to help strengthen the body’s natural defenses. The inclusion of andrographis and NAC  further supports immune health by stimulating the production of white blood cells, modulating inflammatory responses, and enhancing respiratory health. Together, these ingredients work synergistically to help fight off potential threats and help your body return to normal quickly when a bug does strike! Acute Immune Boost is an effective supplement for maintaining optimal immune function, especially during times of increased susceptibility.

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