Menopause and Nutrition

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the month of May, we honor mothers. Motherhood doesn’t end when kids leave home, and honoring our mothers should continue on as well. This May, let’s talk about supporting Mom’s vitality and longevity as she moves gracefully into the golden years. Let’s talk about menopause and nutrition.

As women navigate this natural transition, it’s essential to recognize the changes our bodies undergo and adapt our diets accordingly. Let’s delve into the science behind why nutritional requirements shift post-menopause and explore some key supplements that can support Mom’s health during this phase.

Understanding Menopause

First: the mystery of menopause. Although it’s not often talked about, it’s a phase that every woman encounters. Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. Beyond the cessation of menstrual cycles, menopause triggers a cascade of hormonal changes, including a decline in estrogen levels. This hormonal shift is the driving force behind many of the physiological changes women experience, including alterations in metabolism and bone health [1].

Metabolic Changes

After menopause, many women notice changes in their weight distribution and metabolism. We typically lose lean muscle mass as we age, which leads to a slower metabolism [1]. This shift can often lead to increased abdominal fat, which poses risks for various health issues [1]. To combat these changes, it’s crucial to adjust our dietary intake to support a healthy metabolism. 

Unfortunately, a lower caloric need means eating less. And, eating less means fewer opportunities to absorb the nutrition we need in a day. This is where supplements come in. Although they are never a substitute for healthy, whole foods, supplements can support your lower calorie diet by filling in the nutritional gaps, and some nutrients are more easily absorbed from a supplement than from digested food [2].

Consider movement! You can build back your lean muscle mass to increase your metabolic rate [1]. While achy joints or low energy levels can lead to less physical activity, regular exercise is actually extra important in our later years. Not only can exercise fight unruly weight issues, it supports cardiovascular health, strong bones and muscles, longevity of mobility, and mental and emotional wellness [3]. 

Calcium and Bone Health

One of the most significant concerns for women post-menopause is bone health. Estrogen plays a vital role in maintaining bone density, so its decline is associated with a negative effect on bone health [4]. Incorporating calcium-rich foods or a calcium supplement into our diets becomes even more critical during this phase to support bone strength and integrity. 

Vitamin D

Alongside calcium, vitamin D plays a crucial role in bone health by aiding in the absorption of calcium. As we age, our skin’s ability to produce vitamin D decreases, making it essential to obtain this nutrient through diet and supplements [5]. Ensuring an adequate intake of vitamin D can also help maintain bone density [5].

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Heart health is yet another major concern for women after menopause. Estrogen has cardio-protective effects, and its decline can increase the risk of heart trouble [6]. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into our diets can help support cardiovascular health by promoting healthy triglyceride levels and balanced inflammatory responses. 

Fatty fish like salmon, walnuts, and flax seeds are excellent sources of omega-3s. Alternatively, an omega-3 supplement like Mega Omega can help you reach your daily minimum of this important macromolecule [7].


Magnesium is another nutrient that becomes increasingly important post-menopause. It plays a role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including those involved in bone health and muscle function [8]. Additionally, magnesium can help alleviate symptoms such as muscle cramps and trouble sleeping, which are common during menopause [9]. Foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy greens are rich sources of magnesium. 

Alternatively, Metabolic Maintenance offers magnesium supplements in multiple forms, as a stand alone nutrient or in multivitamin/mineral formulas. Magnesium Citrate can not only increase circulating magnesium levels, but also support bowel regularity [10]. If you have a more sensitive gastrointestinal system, Magnesium Glycinate may be a better choice, and can help you relax your body before bed [11]. A calcium/magnesium combo may be a convenient option if you are supplementing both minerals.


Changes in hormone levels can impact gut flora composition, leading to dysbiosis and uncomfortable (not to mention embarrassing) gut issues [12]. Incorporating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut can help support a healthy gut microbiome and alleviate these issues. If fermented foods are not a major part of your diet, adding pre- and probiotic supplements to your daily regimen can support healthy gut function and a thriving microbiome.

Final Thoughts

As we journey through the transformative phase of menopause, prioritizing our nutritional needs becomes paramount. By understanding the physiological changes our bodies undergo and adjusting our diets accordingly, we can support our health and well-being during this transition. Incorporating key nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, pre- and probiotics can help address common concerns such as bone health, heart health, and digestive issues. 

Remember, moms, we have the power to nourish our bodies and thrive beyond menopause. Here’s to embracing this new chapter of womanhood with vitality and strength!

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