The Importance of Eco Nutrition

eco nutrition
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Earth Day is approaching and is a great reminder to reflect on our earthly influence. One area that holds significant potential for positive change is changing the way we eat. Eco nutrition, rooted in scientific principles, not only benefits personal health but also contributes to the sustainability of our planet. In this article, we will delve into the importance of eco-nutrition and provide practical tips on how to design a diet that aligns with environmental sustainability.

Understanding Eco Nutrition

Eco-nutrition, also known as sustainable nutrition, involves making food choices that consider the environmental impact of production, transportation, and consumption. It goes beyond individual health benefits to address the broader implications of our dietary habits on the planet. 

The key pillars of eco-nutrition include:

Plant-Based Focus

Scientific studies consistently highlight the environmental benefits of plant-based diets [1]. Plant-based foods generally have a lower carbon footprint compared to animal-based products. This is due to factors such as reduced land and water use, as well as lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with plant agriculture [1,2].

Perhaps going completely vegetarian or vegan is off the table for you. That’s ok! A conscious omnivore can still consider responsibly sourced animal products and incorporate animal products as a minor ingredient rather than the star ingredient of each meal.

Local and Seasonal Eating

Choosing locally produced and seasonal foods reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation [3]. Supporting local farmers not only strengthens communities but also promotes a more sustainable food system. Seasonal foods are more likely to be abundant, requiring less artificial intervention in their growth.

Minimizing Food Waste

Food waste is a significant contributor to environmental degradation [4]. By adopting practices to minimize food waste, such as proper storage, meal planning, and creative use of leftovers, individuals can make a positive impact on the environment. This aligns with the principles of eco-nutrition by reducing the resources invested in food production that goes to waste.

Scientific Basis of Eco-Nutrition

Numerous scientific studies support the idea that eco-nutrition is not only environmentally friendly but also beneficial for personal health [1]. Let’s explore some key findings:

Health Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

Research consistently indicates that plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of chronic health issues [5]. The emphasis on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes provides essential nutrients, while reducing the intake of saturated fats and cholesterol.

Environmental Impact of Animal Agriculture

The environmental impact of animal agriculture is a well-documented concern. Livestock farming contributes significantly to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions [6]. Adopting a more plant-centric diet not only improves individual health but also supports the conservation of natural resources.

Global Food System Sustainability

Eco-nutrition aligns with the concept of a sustainable global food system. As the world’s population continues to grow, the demand for food increases. Sustainable practices, such as agroecology and regenerative agriculture, play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term viability of our food production systems.

Supplemental Nutrients for Eco Nutrition

In addition to the foundational principles of eco-nutrition, incorporating specific nutrients into your diet can further enhance its sustainability:

Vitamin B12

While a plant-based diet offers numerous health benefits, it’s essential to supplement with vitamin B12, which is primarily found in animal products. This supplement ensures optimal nerve function and the formation of red blood cells [7]. B12 also contributes to the methylation cycle, and the proper production and processing of serotonin: our “positivity” neurotransmitter.


Typically, red meat is the food we associate with dietary iron. We need iron for healthy hemoglobin production and sustainable energy in the body [8]. If you choose to consume less red meat, you can fortify your diet with plant-based sources of iron, such as lentils and spinach. A supplement containing iron may be important to avoid the health consequences attributed to anemia, especially for those who menstruate monthly [8].


Again, calcium is a dietary mineral associated with animal products. If you are not consuming a lot of dairy in the diet, you will likely need a calcium supplement to meet your required daily levels. We need calcium, not only for strong bones but also for muscle function and the longevity of our locomotion [9]. 

Tips for Practicing Eco Nutrition

Now that we understand the scientific basis of eco-nutrition and the importance of specific nutrients, let’s explore practical tips for incorporating sustainable dietary practices into our daily lives:

1. Diversify Your Plate

A diverse and colorful plate is not only visually appealing but also nutritionally rich. Aim to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your meals. This not only provides essential nutrients but also reduces the environmental impact associated with monoculture farming.

2. Choose Plant-Based Proteins

Opt for plant-based protein sources such as beans, lentils, tofu, and nuts. These options not only offer protein but also come with a lower environmental footprint compared to animal-based proteins. Experiment with plant-based recipes to discover delicious and sustainable alternatives.

3. Support Local Farmers

Explore local farmers’ markets and community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs to source fresh, seasonal produce. Supporting local farmers not only reduces the carbon footprint of your food, but also promotes a more resilient and sustainable food system.

4. Minimize Single-Use Packaging

Be mindful of packaging when making food choices. Opt for products with minimal or eco-friendly packaging. Consider buying in bulk to reduce overall packaging waste. Additionally, invest in reusable containers and bags for a more sustainable approach to food storage and transportation.

5. Reduce Food Waste

Plan your meals, store food properly, and get creative with leftovers to minimize food waste. Consider composting organic waste to further contribute to a circular and sustainable food system.

Happy Earth Day!

Eco-nutrition is more than just a trend; it’s a scientifically grounded approach to nourishing our bodies while respecting the planet. By understanding the environmental impact of our nutritional choices and adopting sustainable practices, individuals can play a vital role in creating a healthier and more resilient future. As we embark on this journey of eco-nutrition, let science be our guide, and let our choices reflect a commitment to the well-being of both ourselves and the planet.

