What’s an Immune Boost?

immune boost
Reading Time: 6 minutes

First off, What’s an “Immune Boost”? We live in the era of the hive mind, and recently, an important conversation is centering around using the word “boost” in relation to immune system supplements. While we are excited to talk about our Acute Immune Boost supplement and how to boost the immune system this fall, we need to first make clear our use of the term, in the context of how immune systems work.

It is true that some immune systems are sub-optimal due to slow or weakened responses (and could indeed benefit from increased activity). The problem is that other immune systems are sub-optimal because they are already overactive

The word “boost” can conjure scary thoughts of intensifying an already overactive immune system. This is a link between overactive immune systems, damaging inflammation, and some autoimmune diseases. 

It may be stating the obvious, but the intention behind an immune support supplement is not to induce an overactive immune response. When we use the word “boost” or the term “immune boost”, what we are referring to is a product that supports your immune health. Immune boosting products should promote a swift and balanced response to true pathogenic threats.  

How does the immune system work?

Literal dissertations revolve around this topic, so we will break it down to its simplest parts:

Your body has 3 lines of defense against intruders. Physical and chemical barriers, innate resistance factors, and acquired resistance factors. These three lines of defense make up your immune system. 

Some of these factors we inherit, so we are born with them (or without them). This is your innate immune system. Some of the factors you build over time as your body is exposed to different microorganisms, pathogens, and/or vaccines. This is your acquired immune system. 

The Innate Immune System

Your innate immune system includes all physical and chemical barriers built to keep dirt and “germs” out of the body. These barriers include structures like skin, hair, tears, and mucous membranes. 

Your innate immune system triggers a response like a high body temperature that inhibits bacterial growth and increases tissue repair rates.

Your innate immune system is also responsible for inflammation. When pathogenic exposure or injury occurs, the innate immune system calls more blood flow and heat to the site. An increase of white blood cells clears out invading pathogens faster, and again, tissue repair is faster in higher body temperature. For these reasons, some inflammation is actually a really good thing.

Your innate immune system includes some non-specific, active resistance provided by immune cells. Phagocytes will engulf and break down any pathogen they encounter with digestive enzymes.

The Acquired Immune System

Some parts of a foreign microbe (post-digestion) are proteins we call “antigens” (or antibody-generating substances). This activates T cells whose job is to shut down any cell in your body containing that antigen. T cells then stimulate the production of memory B cells and antibodies. These cells target the site of invasion, and thanks to antibodies, they know exactly which pathogens to look for and kill before they have a chance to multiply or cause further damage. 

Your body retains these antibodies (like a memory of invasion) and so is much faster and stronger in its attack if exposed to that pathogen again in the future. This is the reason you don’t often suffer the same way from the same invader twice. The first invasion causes damage within the body, but a second exposure triggers a quick and effective shut down by immune cells thanks to antibody recognition.

Vaccines help to build your acquired immune system and are designed so that you can skip the first invasion altogether. Although they are designed in a number of ways, they are all meant to stimulate the production of antibodies for a particular pathogen within your body. The contents of the vaccine clear your system quickly and what remains are your natural antibodies, just like you would make if you had experienced that pathogenic invasion before.

A Healthy Immune System

A healthy immune system works quickly and effectively to fight invaders whether it’s your first exposure to a pathogen or not. A high body temperature can be a healthy response to pathogenic invasion. Swelling can be a healthy response to an injury. 

Problems with the immune system can occur whether your immune system works too slowly or too intensely. Some people make antibodies against food or environmental proteins that don’t actually pose a threat to the body. This is the system behind allergic reactions.

Other people make antibodies against proteins within their own body. This causes immune cells to target and attack otherwise healthy cells within the body. This is an autoimmune disease.

People can have weakened immune systems for a number of reasons. A weak immune system may not recognize intruders quickly enough, allowing them to multiply and spread widely throughout the body. A weak immune system may recognize invaders, but not have enough powerful immune cells or chemical enzymes to fight the invading pathogens. Generally speaking, a weak immune system will allow the pathogen to cause more damage and more severe symptoms than it would in an individual with a strong immune system.

However, an immune system can overreact too. Too much swelling and inflammation can be dangerous and uncomfortable. A too-high body temperature can also cause damage and become life-threatening. Antibodies for non-threatening proteins can cause unnecessary destruction within the body.

Therefore, a healthy immune system is not just “strong”, it is fast, balanced, and well-equipped.

What are “immune boosters”, anyway?

The best immune boosters don’t just turn up the volume on your immune responses; they provide substrates for immune cells and enzymes, support healthy immune function, and modulate immune responses that go haywire. 

When we say “immune boost”, as we do in the name of our Acute Immune Boost formula, we are talking about nutrition that supports a fast, balanced, and adequate immune response.

For example, zinc is an immune-boosting nutrient. It has been proposed that inadequate zinc levels may be the most common cause of secondary immunodeficiency in humans [1]. Zinc can inhibit replication of some pathogens and has been demonstrated to speed up recovery when we fall under the weather [1].

Vitamin A is also an immune-boosting nutrient. Vitamin A insufficiency impairs innate immunity by preventing normal regeneration of mucosal barriers damaged by pathogenic invasion, and by diminishing the function of immune cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, and natural killer cells [2].

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) has a protective effect over the strength of the immune system, especially in the aging population, and may specifically support respiratory health [3,4]. When excess mucus formation occurs, NAC may help to thin mucus for easier expectoration (a.k.a. coughing it up, we know…gross).

In terms of medicinal herbs, elderberry extract (with its long history in traditional medicines) is also an immune-boosting ingredient. Elderberries have been scientifically linked to immune support, specifically related to air travel [5,6]. Elderberries contain a variety of nutrients ranging from various vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, and E), trace elements (such as Cu, Zn, and Fe), minerals (such as K, Ca, and Mg), and phytochemicals (such as carotenoids, phytosterols, and polyphenols).

Do I need an immune boost?

Of course, this answer is personal to you, but consider your health and nutritional status. 

Do you take a multivitamin supplement daily? Does it contain powerful doses of immune-supportive ingredients like those described above? Only you know the nutritional value of your diet and supplement regimen, and whether you think there are any gaps that could affect your immune health.

How much time are you spending in the sun? Vitamin D has been in the spotlight throughout the last year as its central role in immune health has finally gained recognition. More than 40% of Americans are vitamin D insufficient, but that number is closer to 80% among Black and Latinx populations (one of many reasons being the parallel between the length of time in the sun required to make vitamin D and increased levels of melanin) [7,8]. 

Elderly and immunocompromised people (of any race) are more likely to be both vitamin D deficient and suffer more from respiratory issues[7]. As an immune modulator, vitamin D supports a healthy response to pathogenic exposure [9]. 

Is Acute Immune Boost a good choice for me?

If you are looking for a pure, high-quality formula containing research-backed, immune-supportive nutrition, Acute Immune Boost may be an appropriate choice. Depending on your nutritional status and selected dose, this formula can be taken over the long term to promote your natural immunities, or for a short period to bolster your immune system when pathogenic exposure is more likely. Talk to your doctor about which options are the best fit for your body.

Metabolic Maintenance has also recently released an elderberry and ashwagandha multivitamin formula called Balanced Response. It is designed to bolster the immune system while helping your mind and body respond to stress. Stressful times can take a toll on the immune system as the body focuses more energy on its fight or flight responses. Learn more about our new product, Balanced Response in the article linked here.

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  1. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/147323001204000104
  2. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/89/11/5387/2844259
  3. https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.elsevier-6833adf5-072f-3fc1-86ef-41e373a56fb5
  4. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10495-006-0090-0
  5. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/8/4/182
  6. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1472-6882-11-16
  7. https://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/ingredients/congress-lauds-vitamin-d-covid-19?utm_source=Bibblio&utm_campaign=Related
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068797/
  9. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(20)30268-0/fulltext