A tea party to reduce stress?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

More and more evidence has found its way to mainstream media regarding the importance of connectedness and socialization as a necessary element for reducing stress. Humans are inherently social beings and enjoy the company of others for various reasons while those connections contribute to better overall health.1

For a new and fun approach to creating connection, try inviting a few friends over for a more modern take on a tea party to create your own “connectedness tea”. Choose a variety of ingredients such as fresh and dried flowers, herbs and spices that are known to promote relaxation. Tea takes a while to make and forces you to step back and take your time, creating space for conversation where you and your friends can tell stories or share your day with one another during this activity.

There are hundreds of tea traditions where tea is used for meditation, spiritual rituals, and prayer ceremonies centered around health, happiness and abundance. You can create your own connectedness tea ceremony with your friends to be shared for years to come.

Types of teas and herbs that support relaxation are plentiful and can be combined for a unique blend and flavor profile. It’s important if you are taking any medication to check with your healthcare provider if there could be any adverse effects with fresh herbs or teas prior to incorporating them in your diet. 

Choose a combination of fresh and dried herbs, flowers, dried fruits, and teas for a fun and unique experience. Place your ingredients in separate bowls and create a tea blending station. Make sure to boil plenty of water for your guests and keep an extra kettle on the stove and in rotation so there is always plenty to go around. Most dried teas will take a teaspoon of dry ingredients to 8 ounces of boiling water and should steep for no less than 10 minutes. Double check that the ingredients you choose are edible. Some great options include rose, lavender, passion flower, chamomile, peppermint, spearmint, green tea and lemon balm tea. You can also add dried apple, peach, coconut a cinnamon stick or even ginger for a little extra kick. Use a tea infuser or specially crafted tea brewing pot to keep loose ingredients from floating into your cup or mug, pour boiling water over your infuser and let steep for 10 minutes. Adjust the steep time and ingredients to the flavor profile that you like best and share this experience with your friends while you brew your next cup of connectedness tea.