What to Do with Leftover Watermelon

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Watermelon Slushie

Watermelon is arguably one of summer’s greatest gifts. They’re sweet (without being highly caloric), hydrating, and high in hunger-satiating fiber. They are also an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium. The only drawback to watermelons, really, is that they are so BIG! It … Read the rest

Low Glycemic Index Diet

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Perhaps your doctor or another trusted individual has recommended you start a low glycemic index diet. Perhaps you have been struggling with your mood, weight, cholesterol, or blood glucose. A low glycemic index diet could help meet these challenges. Below, we have some scientific information about … Read the rest

How to Make GABA Rice

Reading Time: 4 minutes

GABA Rice and What to Make With It

Beef, sweet potatoes, and rice are three natural sources of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the body’s calming neurotransmitter. 

GABA rice is a particular form of sprouted brown rice that provides a more potent level of GABA. Specifically, germinated/sprouted brown … Read the rest