More and more evidence has found its way to mainstream media regarding the importance of connectedness and socialization as a necessary element for reducing stress. Humans are inherently social beings and enjoy the company of others for various reasons while those connections contribute to better overall … Read the rest
Category: Trending Health Topics
What’s the relationship between Glutathione and Methylation?
There is a lot of recent buzz around the term “methylation” in the health-conscious community. The buzz is well deserved, as this process is happening in almost every cell in the body, all the time, and contributes to a long list of physiological processes necessary for … Read the rest
Chromium Supports Healthy Blood Glucose
What is Chromium?
Chromium is an essential trace mineral that we all need in our diets in very small quantities. Once absorbed, chromium is distributed widely in the body, with the highest levels being found in the kidney, liver, spleen, and bone [1]. It is one … Read the rest
Which Supplements are Best for Heart Health?
In a lifetime, the average heart will beat 2.5 billion times. This vital organ is not only responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, but it is also the workhorse muscle that sustains life.
The key to heart health is a healthy diet, active … Read the rest
7 Supplements that Enhance Focus & Concentration
Reading Time: 4 minutesHave you ever gotten to the end of a day and wondered where the hours went? How could so many hours have passed by without really getting much of anything done?
The truth is that many of us suffer from distraction and procrastination. This, productivity experts … Read the rest