Holiday Stress and the Immune System

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Address both stress and your immunity with Balanced ResponseTM

Welcome to the 2023 Holiday Season! There are so many wonderful aspects to this time of year: gatherings, family, and the promise of a new year. On the flip side, those gatherings, that family, the reminder … Read the rest

Supplements to Help You Sleep 

Reading Time: 7 minutes

R.E.M. Maintenance™ offers 6 Sleep-Supportive Nutrients in 1 Supplement

Much like food, water, and air, sleep is a basic necessity for human survival. Getting enough sleep, quality sleep, and sleeping at the right time for your body can help to maximize your health and vitality. If … Read the rest

Host a Calming Tea Party

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Due to a variety of factors, about 50% of people over 60 are at risk of social isolation and 33% of them report feeling lonely [1]. Isolation and loneliness are psychological stressors that can cause both mental and physical health consequences. Humans are inherently social beings … Read the rest

Which Supplements for Relaxation are Right For Me?

Reading Time: 10 minutes

In this day and age, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everyday stressors. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, like alcohol or comfort food, leave us feeling worse, perpetuating negative feelings. Perhaps it’s time to choose a healthier support. Why not reach for something that works now, and supports … Read the rest

How Stress Affects Your Health

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Stress can elicit numerous, complex effects on both the body and mind. Answering the question of how stress affects your health, however, is multilayered.

One difficulty with studying the science of stress is that stress is subjective. Activities or events that feel stressful to one person … Read the rest