4 Powerful Joint Care Supplements

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Chronic joint discomfort can affect knees, hands, elbows, shoulders, and hips. Anywhere where bones meet with cartilage in between can be a hot spot for unhealthy levels of inflammation, swelling, reduced mobility, and discomfort. Joint care supplements can help!

Why do my joints hurt?

Joint discomfort is … Read the rest

Vitamins and Minerals for Bone Health

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Is Calcium Enough?

Bone material is constantly being broken down and built anew, simultaneously. During childhood, we build new bone much faster than we break it down. When we stop growing, these processes even out. In our later years, bone tends to break down faster than … Read the rest

Imbalanced Blood Sugar and Nerves

Reading Time: 6 minutes

A Link Between Metabolic Health and Nerve Health

We rely on our nerves to relay sensory information like smell, touch, and taste from our senses, skin, muscles, and organs to our brain. Nerves are also responsible for sending information in the opposite direction, from our brains … Read the rest